A talented member of FZY has recorded a rap song to rouse support for missing Israeli soldiers.
Samuel Green, 18, who is currently on his gap-year in Israel, wrote: ‘Ima Mechakah Babayit’ – ‘Mother’s Waiting at Home’ which will feature on a compilation CD dedicated to the plight of the missing men.
He told Campus&Youthnews that he wrote the song after hearing Chaim Avraham, father of one of the soldiers, Beni, speak about his son.
“I was very moved by what he said and was spurred into action.
“The song is about the history of the MIA situation, and about my frustration at the lack of information given by the captors and the lack of active support from the rest of the world.”
He added that the song, which features Neil Levene on guitar and Teddy Leifer on the bongos, “is a plea to people to take action to try to get influential members of society to support the cause.
“My song is a way of putting one of the pillars of FZY – ‘Defence of Jewish Rights’ – into action,” he said.
The South-West Londoner goes by the name Antithesis, because “I am the antithesis of a stereotypical rapper – I am white, middle-class and Jewish.”