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2020Yo, 10 years since I moved over, 10 years since I put out a track All dem man best move over, get out the way and look at who’s back Yo I came in the game in the year 2000 when the name of the game back then it was rap Now 20 years down it’s Grime in the house we changin the sound bruv how about that Come outta K-Boro to the centre of London, moved to the Bridge and dat was summin Dropped EP 1 on the hustle, dropped EP 2 and got muscle Yo to Geneva, true believer, P&Ger, surface cleaner Data screener, big achiever, always need a certain demeanour Done made aliyah cos I gotta, can’t wait to shed the white collar, On my way to be a tour guide scholar, I gotta go make it worth my bother Yo a tour guider, pure fire, anyone who’s anyone line up to hire Award winner, tour giver, game just kept getting hotter. Yo high flyer, I desire, to inspire a love of the land Feelin blessed as I ride East-West, North-South and the rest and still get paid cash in hand Radio in ya ears tho we paused a few years Kol Cam reappeared TLV1 smash Pro studio now paid for by the crowd we the biggest in town and that is a fact I done gigs in Australia, Africa, Asia, 20,000 in Burma rocked the stage My discs on rotation, tear up the stations, now all continents heard my name But Israel’s my place, it’s my natural state I’m make it clear that I’m here to stay Aint got much space life is fast paced that’s just our fate bruv just our way Still Zionist, still pride in it, no hidin it that’s what I am Fight for the right to define our life my dugma ishit’s a stream not a tap I’ve dodged rockets, crossed bosses, got losses - some things been bad When it gets rough it can feel kinda tough but I still never think that I might come back Cos I’m Tel Avivi, best city, yeah ya hear me we drew up the rap I got new trends and I got new friends and I got new ends, they put up a plaque 10 years done flown it appears that I’ve grown I feel right at home that ting is mad But the biggest change is my new status got a kid of my own so now I’m a Dad I’m Family man with a family plan, I’m happy that’s done become my focus My fam is my life, little girl and my wife, they the apples of my eye ask all dem who know us Decade of change, making my way, I guess I’m a say I’m happy with my lot Best decade ever - yeah it’s been a true pleasure. Here’s to the next peace out and stop.
Ima Mechaka BabayitIma Mechaka Babayit was the slogan for the MIA (Missing in Action) campaign. In English, it means 'Mother is Waiting at Home'; a reference to the families desperately waiting for news of their sons' fate. Yo back in the eighties an atrocity occurred Four men abducted, you may well have heard See I think it's time for awareness to be raised Of the plight of the Israeli M.I.A.s 1982's the first date to remember Three boys taken - Katz, Baumel, Feldman And then after only four more years Ron Arad's kidnapping caused more Israeli tears The worst part of it is the huge frustration At the kidnappers refusal to give any information About their prisoners status, their health and wellbeing We don't even know for sure that they're living It's disgusting how they cause so many people so much anguish Any sort of news we'd be desperate to have it But no, it seems that it's just too much to ask The mothers have to stay waiting, kept in the dark Hook: Ima mechaka ba'bayit We've gotta keep trying So we can stop these mothers crying We've got to put our time and the money that we earn Into making sure that the M.I.A.s return Home, to their parents, to their wives, Let them have a family and live a normal life We've gotta get them back to where they belong End this injustice, right this wrong Just over one year ago the situation was compounded On the Lebanese border security was flouted Three more taken, this time by the Hizbollah Their names - Adi, Benny and also Omar And who looked on while terrorists stole our men? It was those lovely soldiers representing the UN I thought they were there in place as our friends To help save us from terror, not to watch but protect But no, we can't even expect that much We should've learnt by now that the UN hates us A clear indication of its ingrained impurity Is that Syria has been put in charge of security Now things had got worse, it wasn't four but seven The lack of cooperation by the captors was so vexing And three more families were missing a member Their hope was failing, the fire was down to its embers And what do we learn coming into November? Israeli intelligence discovered that we'd never See these three again, their lives had ended Hizbollah had given false hope, they'd lied and pretended Hook So now that you're clear on the current situation You might ask what's the point in a continued altercation? If three have gone for a year and already have died What's the chance that the other four are still alive? This may sound insensitive but perhaps they're not But even so there's no reason why we should stop Our campaign, even if it's just for the remains So we can bury them in Israel, in proper graves To let the families know for sure Whether to celebrate, or whether to mourn If it's the latter, at least they'll get some closure It'll will be such a relief, to finally know the Truth, to be able to continue with their lives Without having to wonder if the soldiers have survived How can you help? Start by wearing a blue ribbon Then you might want to sign or even start a petition Write a letter of support to the families Take the initiative, organise some rallies What it all comes down to is raising awareness Make important people really start caring Write to Kofi Annan, make him earn his prize for peace By getting him to fight for the M.I.A.s release And if at any point you require motivation Just think of the mothers, sitting there, waiting Hook x 2
Ima Mechaka Babayit Part IIIma Mechaka Babayit was the slogan for the MIA (Missing in Action) campaign. In English, it means 'Mother is Waiting at Home'; a reference to the families desperately waiting for news of their sons' fate. Yo back in the eighties an atrocity occurred Four men abducted, you may well have heard See I think it's time for awareness to be raised Of the plight of the Israeli M.I.A.s 1982's the first date to remember Three boys taken - Katz, Baumel, Feldman And then after only four more years Ron Arad's kidnapping caused more Israeli tears The worst part of it is the huge frustration At the kidnappers refusal to give any information About their prisoners status, their health and wellbeing We don't even know for sure that they're living It's disgusting how they cause so many people so much anguish Any sort of news we'd be desperate to have it But no, it seems that it's just too much to ask The mothers have to stay waiting, kept in the dark Hook: Ima mechaka ba'bayit We've gotta keep trying So we can stop these mothers crying We've got to put our time and the money that we earn Into making sure that the M.I.A.s return Home, to their parents, to their wives, Let them have a family and live a normal life We've gotta get them back to where they belong End this injustice, right this wrong In 2006 the situation was compounded In Gaza and Lebanon our borders were flouted Three more taken by Hamas and the Hizbollah Their names Ehud Eldad and also Gilad And when Israel tries to take back our men The rest of the world they all start to condemn All hypocrites cos if it happened to them I'd like to see them show restraint, to sit and pretend That nothing was wrong, that no one had gone Ignore mothers' cries and Antithesis's song But that's not how it works - we all should have learned When Israel's in trouble the world likes to turn Its back on our suffering our grief and our pain Ignoring our protests time and again It's like their indifference is somehow ingrained See the state of Israel as something of a stain On their world - just getting in the way As if it weren't for Israel there'd be world peace today This is a message to everyone telling us what has to be Forget your propaganda and think of the families Hook So now that you're clear on the current situation You might ask what's the point in a continued altercation? In 200 three were kidnapped, it turned out they'd died So what's the chance that the others are still alive? This may sound insensitive but perhaps they're not But even so there's no reason why we should stop Our campaign, even if it's just for the remains So we can bury them in Israel, in proper graves To let the families know for sure Whether to celebrate, or whether to mourn If it's the latter, at least they'll get some closure It'll will be such a relief, to finally know the Truth, to be able to continue with their lives Without having to wonder if the soldiers have survived How can you help? Start by wearing a blue ribbon Then you might want to sign or even start a petition Write a letter of support to the families Take the initiative, organise some rallies What it all comes down to is raising awareness Make important people really start caring Write to Kofi Annan, make him earn his prize for peace By getting him to fight for the M.I.A.s' release And if at any point you require motivation Just think of the mothers, sitting there, waiting Hook x 2
Ivrit Daber IvritA guy called Ben-Yehuda, thought that he knew the Best thing to do for all the tribe of Judah A way to improve the communication to the Other Jews around the world we could all speak through the Holy language of our forefathers A forgotten tongue, for us to once again master A man with a plan, a man with a vision A part of the new movement of Zionism Trying to break Jews free from their thousand-year prison The rebirth of the nation it was all of their mission He would sit all day studying, finding roots Take them and plant shoots hoping to see their fruits After many long hours, he finally did it A brand new language was fashioned and finished His family all spoke it as dugma ish[iz]it Soon all the man began to speak Ivrit Hook: To all my peeps on the street who like to rock the beat, next time you're gonna speak Ivrit, daber Ivrit And from my man down the way to across the UK, if you got something to say Ivrit, daber Ivrit To all my girl looking yat with the style to match, next time you gonna chat Ivrit, daber Ivrit Antithesis, bruv I be spittin it, so if you're listenin then Ivrit, daber Ivrit The language grew, and the language spread These guys had revived what had once been dead Forget Yiddish and Ladino we got Ivrit instead Whole new generations, were born and bred On this new ish, all proud to be Jewish Many didn't get involved cos they thought it was all foolish But they've been proved wrong, they've all moved all Ivrit stays strong, where have the others gone? But yo, I don't mean to be standing gloating Just wanna educate you on how my eyes were opened Wanna make sure that you'll gonna be notin What the final verse of this track is gonna be wrote in I'm stoking the flames for the future Hopin that I can inspire, all of you to Learn the Jewish language cos there is only one Hebrew, Ivrit, known as the holy tongue Hook Az ten li et hamaik ze ha tor sheli La'asot hip-hop b'lashon ha'ivrit Na'im me'od, korim li gam Sami G V'gam Antiteiza, ani harapper hachi Tov she'haya v'afilu she'yihiye Kol ha'acherim pochdim lifto'ach et hape Ki yodim mamash tov et ma she'po yikre Im mishehu lo ose et ma she'ani rotze Ani asape lachem et hachalom sheli Ligmor ta'limudim v'linso'a le'artzi Ki im ani be'emet rotze lihiyot tzioni I'efshar l'hisha'er po v'lichyot k'yehudi Ein po atid, v'ein po tikva Ken yesh gam bitachon, v'gam kalkala Aval ka'asher machlitim l'garesh otanu Yesh ba'olam makom echad shehu shelanu [translation]So pass the mic, it's my turnTo drop hip-hop in the Hebrew languageNice to meet you, they call me Sami GAnd also Antithesis, I'm the best rapper thathas been and that will ever beAll the others are afraid to open their mouthsCos they know only too well what will happen hereIf someone doesn't do what I wantI'll tell you my dream -To finish my studies and travel to my countryCos if I really want to be a ZionistI can't stay here and live as a JewHere there's no future, here there's no hopeSure there is security and a [good] economyBut when they decide to expel usThere is only one place in the world which is ours Hook
Just PeaceIn the year 1948, Israel declared a state For the Jewish people it was a case of better late Than never, after years of tireless endeavour The Zionist movement, had finally found its buried treasure And after the horror of the Nazi persecution It was so good for the Jews to have found a solution In the future, there'd always be the Right of Return Now at last there was a country that would never spurn Exiles, asylum seekers, all refugees Human beings forced from their homes without a bite to eat We just wanted to live peacefully, in the Promised Land It was our dream for so many years, can't you understand? But no, we weren't allowed to have it that way Because at sunrise on the very next day We were attacked from all sides by the Arab nations The tiny new state would have to fight for its liberation Hook: An exiled people, looking for a home For so many years, nothing we could do but hope We been waiting, dreaming, searching, believing Finally in '48 we got our redeeming But since then, we've had to be on our toes Bordered on all sides by powerful foes For over 50 years looking for a release Believe that it's true, we just want peace Now over the years came war after war A miracle saved Israel in '73 on Yom Kippur And don't forget '67, a war for six days Again victorious, again we were saved Other battles too, too numerous to name But at the end of the day see the story was the same The Arab nations couldn't take, having the new Jewish state That was buried in their midst, it consumed them with hate So they united against the tiny Jewish home Looking for ways for Israel to be blown Into oblivion - no hope, no way back These desires inspired new waves of attack And each time Israel rested defensive Except in '67 but you know that was pre-emptive And thanks to God's help the country survived But for every war too many brave young Israelis died Hook Yet as time has gone by the situation has improved We no longer have to fear our neighbours' every move Peace came first with Egypt, and then with Jordan We began to dream once more, that our borders Would be serene - no drama, no action Delight and celebrations - they were our reaction And then in the year 1994, Rabin and Arafat made historic moves forward They wanted autonomy, and we wanted peace We began to negotiate, to try and agree Things started moving slowly, one step at a time PLO bombings stopped, they got land, things were fine Rabin was killed, but the process continued Yet there still remained some very contentious issues The right of return and the Temple Mount Oslo stuttered to a halt, and violence broke out Hook So what have we got now? Another intifada We still want peace but now it's so much harder We've got suicide bombers killing innocent children Won't differentiate a soldier from a civilian Yet I turn on the news, and what is it I hear? It's like an Arab monopoly on living life in fear The Israelis are portrayed as hard-line oppressors When all they want is to live a life free of terror I'm fed up, of hearing this anti-Israel propaganda It's time, for somebody to step up and take some action We need to make it clear to the world population That Israel really isn't such a bullying nation A country built on principles of anti-discrimination Yet now victimised just because of its creation I know it's not perfect, things sometimes go wrong But believe me when I say all we want is shalom Hook
Looking for HomeSoon as I step off the plane at Ben Gurion Airport I suddenly feel as if I'm still airborne An incredible feeling rushing through my body After several months showed no signs of stopping Yeah those famous butterflies really do exist I stepped on the land and was hit with a fit Of passion, indescribable attraction I close my eyes and imagine My thoughts begin to fashion How can a mere country evoke such emotion? Create such notions, cause such devotion? For this land, many people have died And to here my history is intrinsically tied But that can't be it, there must be more to this place Maybe it's the fact that I can almost taste The holiness, but there's no way of showing it Perhaps for me, it's all about knowing it Hook: My dream, my hope my Zion The only country in the world for all Jews to rely on A land which people have cried and died on But despite all its troubles it continues to strive on A place with which I have instantly gelled A place for which my feelings cannot be quelled A place in which I may one day dwell This is what I feel for Eretz Yisrael As I drive along the road I see the scenery before me Imagine Israel at the height of its glory Who knows who once stood where my eyes are now cast? My head becomes awash with dreams of the past Where else could you find a land with such contrast? Coastline, mountains and deserts so vast I begin to ponder as I look at the landscape What life was like here under the British mandate Thanks to UN partition and the Balfour declaration The Jews were on the verge of creating a location A home for all members of the Jewish nation Escape from persecution, a way for salvation What excitement and delight there must have been on the occasion Of fulfilling the Zionist Dream, what jubilation Sounds like a cliche but I'm that way inclined The land of Israel is truly one of a kind Hook And now I have conflict going on inside Do I follow my heart or listen to my mind? Yeah it's true that there it feels like home But can I really leave England? It's all I've ever known Should I be brave now, and take the plunge Commit to university followed by aliyah Or can I live a fulfilling Diaspora Jewish life? Where there's a good chance my son won't have a Jewish wife Where anti-Semitism is currently on the rise Where wearing a kippa is not always very wise But still I'm not sure that I can cut all ties It's a hard decision that must be made over time How awful to live in England and continue to pine Desperate for a land that I know is truly mine I have no idea what will be my decision Just hope I'm not naive with an idealised vision Hook
Proud to Be a ZionistYo, it’s time to set the record straight Fed up with all the man proclaimin all this hate No room for debate, well hold up wait Cos Antithesis comin to step up and state Yo the movement of my people been getting this stick Equated with racism and other bullish And if you can’t see it - that’s just foolish So shut up and listen, to my hip hop schooling We talking freedom, emancipation A home, a land for a persecuted nation Liberation, democratisation A dream fulfilled, a Jewish safe haven 2000 years this desire had lied Dormant but restive - it never died In the 1800s, it was brought to life with this Movement of my people, proud to be Zionists Hook I’m a Zionist - and yes I’m proud I’m a Zionist - so shout it loud I’m a Zionist - that’s my vocation I’m a Zionist - self-determination for the Jewish nation I’m a Zionist - and I’ll never cease I’m a Zionist - who just wants peace I’m a Zionist - and I say it with poise I’m a Zionist - if you are too, then make some noise! Antithesis gotta give my props, respect To the man who got this all going and rocked the set To be honest though, there’s no way this verse’ll Come close to doing justice to Theodore Herzl Ben-Yehuda, course rocked the language tip And I already showed him love on Ivrit Daber Ivrit Ahad Ha’am represented for the people A cultural centre was his ideal A man of steel was my boy Jabotinsky I wish I had time to stand and list the Endless achievements of AD Gordon Love the land was his plan, and it was awesome The Lord was put forward by the man Rav Kook His intellect and stature never done shook That’s the look, so take pride in it Pay respect with me, cos I’m proud to be a Zionist Hook I’m a Zionist, so give me my word back There’s too many man, trying to turn that Into something negative, something bad I’m a Zionist who ain’t ashamed, I’m glad That I support universal suffrage, free press Only place in the Middle East to pass that test Nothing less, cos we strivin for perfection It’s a work in progress, like all other Western Nations, but to be Zionist don’t equal extreme Don’t make you obscene, unkind or unclean What it means, is that you believe that the Jewish state Has a right to exist, secure and safe People livin without fear, living in peace That’s the essence of a Zionist belief No more beef, I’m done defining it Join with me and shout that we proud to be Zionists Hook
Song of SongsYo a song for my beloved, the girl whom I covet You're my Jewish princess who can also act rugged When you say you'll do something I know you've got it covered Don't matter what you do my view of you ain't never coloured You got brains but you don't need no Cambridge First Although it's true I could do an awful lot worse You always there to support, when it's time to drop a verse Whether gigging to the masses or just to rehearse You are the perfect host, but you ain't one to boast You drop banter with my boys and jokes with my folks No need to coax you out, you the centre of the crowd Vivacious, outrageous, but never too proud You're the only one, who can truly show me That you can penetrate my mind, and really know me I need you in my life on my own it's too lonely That's why I write this song, for you and you only Hook: To my beloved, wherever you be I write this for you, now hear my decree Believe me girl, I know where you belong I write this for you, it is my Song of Songs To my beloved, now that you know I've been inspired by that poet from all that time ago Come to me girl, I've been waiting so long I write this for you, it is my Song of Songs Behold you are fair girl, you are fair You're like a lily among thorns, I can't help but stare Honey drips from your scarlet lips girl I swear You are without blemish, beauty's true heir I drink your love, and it's better than wine You're more fragrant than all spices found over time Teeth white like sheep, when you smile they shine Let me into your garden where we can intertwine Navel round like a goblet, joints like jewels You stand tall like the palm, your eyes are fish pools Give me your grape clusters, the sweetness of your tongue My beloved is to me, she is but one Hook To my beloved, you are an inspiration The personification of the girl for whom I'm waiting You've got witty repartee and can hold a conversation The kind of girl for whom life is a celebration You've got huge dedication, to the Jewish nation An Eishet Chayil, a woman worth praising Got no hesitation when asked for a donation Testament to the glory of God's creation You always calm girl, we tight, that's why we never fight You're wise, I know you only ever do what's right It must be said, you're well-read, and as your thoughts take flight We debate, deliberate until late in the night I profess, my chest, longs for your caress I attest you're the best, won't settle for any less I'm possessed, girl, and feel I must confess Through my Song of Songs, about my distress Hook
Take a MinuteLittle Dina, she was just 12 years of age Whole life ahead nothing could get in her way Got up for school like it was just a normal day Walked out of the door, promised her mother not to stray So little Dina, see she caught the bus to school Knew that with the matsav it might be dangerous and all But her family, they couldn't afford a car And she couldn't walk to school see it was too far At the bus stop were waiting the usual crowd The bus arrived, Dina boarded and sat down Saw her school friends and they quickly all gathered round Soon chatter and laughter drowned the engine's sound What no one knew was there was a passenger with malice Hell bent on causing maximum horrendous damage A man whose mind was well and truly savage This passenger was a Palestinian fanatic Nissim, he had only recently arrived Nine months old, the apple of his mother's eye Sure there were times when he would wail and cry But you should have seen his smile when his eyes were dry Nissim's parents had decided to go out for dinner Couldn't find a babysitter so Nissim had come with them It had been nice to get out and take a bit of a break Of course there was the matsav but it had been quiet of late They'd been sitting after eating, just taking it easy Reflecting on what had been a really lovely evening Nissim had been great no hint even of screaming He'd been restless earlier - had just started teething They had an eye on the clock, it was getting a bit late Nissim needed to sleep so they got the bill and paid They had no idea what was lying outside in wait A man filled with hate determined to seal their fate Greta was getting on, she was a bit of an old timer Poor thing was a German Holocaust survivor But over time she'd tried to put all that behind her She found living for the present made the past's burdens lighter Every year at Pesach she had the family to seder But for a change this year, in order to save her The trouble of cooking her son-in-law had made a booking At a hotel instead - persuading Greta took some doing! She gave in eventually and it was all going fine Half-way through the seder and just about to dine A little bit merry from her first two cups of wine She would smile and you could see her eyes still had their shine But even on this most holy of nights While all present forgot their fright at Israel's (current) plight It seemed that there could never be any respite As into their midst stepped a man who unleashed his might For Dina, Nissim and Greta Take a minute to remember For all who've passed due to terror Take a minute to remember Not names but lives too Take a minute to remember Your memory will survive you Take a minute to remember
United Kingdom of RacismYo when I was growin up I was proud to be a British kid Had love for my country and nothing could diminish it God Save the Queen I'd be standing tall and singing it Flag in my hand, held high and swinging it But as I grew up, things weren't always cool My pride left me when I got given stick at my school People acted the fool, to make me feel small Found out I was a Jew and it made them be cruel Yeah before I grew up I was kind of naive Thought more important than creed was what was underneath But now I'm grown up man done shattered that belief United Kingdom of Racism, fills me with grief Hook: It pains me that I feel the need to state this But all over this country I been faced by racists Man whose brains got baseless hate in em I live in the United Kingdom of Racism Witnessed it, from London to Cambridge Man became insane and displayed their hatred A great shame they convey the world through their same prism We live in the United Kingdom of Racism Now every time that I'm readin the news It's endless stories of racists let loose Attacks on blacks whites, Muslims, Hindus We can't allow them to excuse this kind of abuse Can't blame it on the booze Although people try Can't blame it on jobs Although people try Nah this is pure evil, hatred and spite It pains me inside that most of us close our eyes It's only 60 years, since Never Again But in the UK people still judge their fellow men On colour, race, belief, origin Say they're not one of us, so it's fine to offend It's only 60 years, since Never Again In the UK they say it, but it's like make pretend Hook Yo I'm not just talking about the violent types The man who ain't afraid to call out coon, wog and kike The man who always hyped, spoilin for a fight Go smashin up graveyards in the middle of the night I'm also talking bout the man, who sit in they house Filled with fury, and soundin off their mouth About the immigrants invading, takin up the space in Their green and pleasant land, stealin all their wages When there's hate on Big Brother there be public indignation But in day to day life discrimination ain't changing The crazy thing is that most man know it's wrong But the hatred has just been ingrained for so long Man want to belong, so define against the other Don't care we're all equal, all humans, all brothers All born of a mother, irrespective of colour Instead in the UK we continue to suffer Hook
Wiley is a RacistWiley you a racist **** I’m just come and statin it Wiley you a racist **** I’ve jacked your beat to take the piss Wiley you a racist **** I’m just come and statin it Wiley you a racist **** I’ve jacked your beat to take the piss Wiley you a racist ****, you don’t like me cos I am a Jew I don’t know what I did to you, but I guess that’s just what racists do Now you started you won’t stop, so i’ve done crawled out from under my rock Hey Wiley I tell you what, I hope your Twitter never get unblocked Wiley you a racist bigot, just don’t like the Jews you figure Yo Wiley how you’d like it if I went on Twitter and called you a Yeah but I wouldn’t do that, cos that’s racist I wouldn’t do that I know that’s racist I don’t do hatred, but let’s face it you do that Now Wiley was a great MC, rhymes and beats much better than me I’m not very good truthfully, but you hate on my fam so I do gotta speak I think your Rolex on too tight, cut off your blood and screwed up your mind Cos if you really feeling alright, can’t see why you talking all this **** Stormzy kicked your arse too hard, left you in some kind of shock Used to be the Godfather of Grime, now you’re just a racist flop Wiley don’t think that the Jews, should have each others’ back when hate is spewed Nah we should sit and take it, cos history shows that that works out good Let me tell you about my privilege, really bruv it ain’t all that Security at our schools and synagogues cos we under threat of attack Man who come smash up our cemeteries graf racist slogans in our face Death threats and conspiracy theories coming at us all over the place So yeah you bet we gonna come fight, if you come with all this spite Fell out with a man who happens to be Jewish so you hate all Jews like that’s alright? You know what the worst thing about this is? Jews and blacks we get the same shit All done felt the pain of a racist. Insane that we all still gotta take this So why you start picking on us? Throw a whole people under the bus? Don’t you see we on the same team no you and me bruv it’s just us? Yo Wiley I got an idea. Listen to me cos it’s really quite clever Go straight home, turn off your phone and **** right off forever
Yes to Peace, No to Terror"Yo 2006, Antithesis be back And trust me blood I ain't too pleased about that Because again I see Israel is under attack And not just from the terrorists who surround her land I'm talking about the crap, that I read every day And hear and see every day, someone please take it away Yo you'd think if a country had rockets landin Got terrorists planning, to kidnap their man dem That everyone would act with a bit more understandin When Israel fights back, instead of just standin still Doin nothing, letting them come Bombin the Northern towns, kidnap soldiers and run Would someone please explain why Israel's so wrong? When all it wants is just to get along That's why Barak done left all the Lebanon He did it for peace but Hezbollah grew strong Hook: To stop this war, that's our endeavour Yes to peace, no to terror Forget proportion, there's only one measure Yes to peace, no to terror We won't give into this: now or ever Yes to peace, no to terror The one true message for international pressure Yes to peace, no to terror I've had it up to here with foolish politicians Self-righteous pig dem in Israel's opposition And don't listen to what no journalist will tell ya They don't have to spend their night in no bomb shelter Yo they talk about proportion, say proceed with caution While Israel be facing all this terrorist extortion Yo Ming Campbell, Red Ken, how would you like it If the life of you and your family was blighted With Katusha rockets, fallin at your gate Would you then want the UK to show some restraint? There's so much hate, it just don't make sense All Israel wants to do is act in self-defence But nah, the Jews gotta act better than we They shouldn't even be there in the first place you see It was a big mistake to give them a state 60 years since the Shoah but man restart the hate Hook Yo man dem gotta stop, all the double standards They don't understand the terrorists, to whom they pander When man blow up the Tube, they say it's bad on the news But no one gives a toss when man are killin the Jews You got to make up your mind, now is the time If you support democracy then support Israel's line But if you support terror and indiscriminate killin Then portray Hezbollah as the innocent victim Why does Israel get so much hate, so much more focus Than any other state, like it's broken? Israel's always wrong, and it's never right They ignore the attempts to protect civilian life They ignore the strife, of bereaved mothers' plight They ignore the fact, that we don't wanna fight World listen: here diplomacy has no function Hezbollah's entire aim is Israel's destruction Hook
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