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Travels, Record Deal, Gig News, Publicity, Misc


I thought that what with being ‘the Zionist rapper’ Yom Ha’atzmaut would be quite a fitting day for me to write an update!

Travels I’ve recently got back from a very pleasant Pesach in Israel. It’s always nice to be there but at Pesach it’s really great as it’s just so convenient! In the UK there’s no chance of eating out but in Israel a lot of the restaurants become kosher for Pesach which is great. It was also nice to see that there were quite a lot of tourists around. Hopefully things are getting back to how they were pre-intifada. If you haven’t been to Israel recently, you should definitely be paying it a visit!

Record Deal Exciting news: I’ve been contacted by a US based record label who want me to appear on a compilation CD of Jewish rap which they are producing. Other artists on there include Israeli platinum selling artist Subliminal, Wu-Tang clan associate Remedy and Eazy-E’s one time protégées Blood of Abraham. I’ve signed a deal for an up-front fee + royalties; of course all money that I get from the project will still be going to the Antithesis Charitable Fund.

Gig News Yom Ha’atzmaut was being celebrated all over the country yesterday and not surprisingly a Zionist rapper was much in demand! Unfortunately I had to turn down most of the offers I had as it’s just not very easy getting away from Cambridge during exam term. However I did make a PA at the local celebration which went down well and I even took the opportunity to lead some Israeli dancing. Now how many rappers can do that?!

Nothing is confirmed for the future although I’m looking at the possibility of doing some shows in Canada.

Publicity Hasbara ‘guru’ Neil Lazarus recently sent out an email to all five thousand subscribers to his email list after hearing my music urging them to pick up a copy. I feel it’s only fair to return the favour as having heard Neil speak on numerous occasions I can say from experience that he is an excellent speaker. Peep his website at

I’ve also been getting some airplay on Cambridge University radio recently which is my first foray into the mainstream media. Some of the responses have been…’interesting’, but I think it’s cool that the message is getting out there.

Misc The Antithesis Charitable Fund has now been officially registered as a charity (we have our very own number: 1102151!). Although this gives us a whole lot of ridiculous bureaucracy to deal with it also means if you live the UK you can pay less tax if you donate to us. So do! The charity account is now well in profit and we hope to be making our first donations to the two sponsored charities very soon.

That’s all for now. Chag same’ach!


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