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Radio Tomorrow, Press, News Update


I hope that everyone is well and those in the UK and feeling too cold with the recent snowfalls. I got up early today and went round taking photos of Cambridge in the snow. It was really beautiful. But I digress…

Tomorrow I’m going to be interviewed on the drive time show of London’s new Jewish radio station, Shalom FM. If you live in Bushey, Hendon, Mill Hill, Wembley or Wilesden (or even beyond according to their advert!) you can tune in on 101.4 FM. If you’re not and would still like to listen, you can listen online at I’m scheduled to be on at 17.30 GMT.

I’ve had a fair amount of press coverage of late, with features (and a front page appearance!) in the Jewish Telegraph and Jewish Chronicle. The London Jewish News will be putting something in at some point in February, and I’ve also been contacted by a couple of international journalists; more on that if anything comes of it. The articles are now up online at if you would like to have a read.

I’ve also been contacted regarding a couple of performances in London around Purim time and that is currently being finalised. Furthermore there has emerged the possibility of me being featured on a new compilation CD of Jewish rap artists (there are quite a few of them, you know!) although that is going to take several months before it is all cut and dried.

CD sales are continuing to go well, approaching the 400 figure, and what is very exciting is the number of orders now coming in from abroad, particularly from the United States. Keep them coming!

Finally, I feel that I can’t send an email without mentioning the recent events in Israel regarding the return of the MIAs. Following extensive negotiations four of them – Adi Avitan, Benny Avraham, Omar Souad and Elchanan Tannenbaum – are hopefully going to be released tomorrow in return for Israel giving back over four hundred terrorists it currently holds prisoner. Whilst it is a shame that these people will be able to walk the streets as free men, it is wonderful that the soldiers will be coming home. Hopefully the other four will also be returned in the near future.

One thing to note – the Hezbollah can’t resist turning the knife in the wound of the soldiers’ families; it is refusing to confirm or deny rumours that Adi, Benny and Omar are dead and Israel will just be getting their bodies. Even if it is just their bodies that are returned, it is great that they will receive a proper burial. However it just shows the inhumanity of these terrorist organisations.

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