So it’s been really busy of late and I’m delighted to be able to fill you in!
New track! So I’ve finally managed to get back in the studio and have finished recording a new track. I’ve got some more stuff lined up but that will have to wait until the summer for now. The new song will be exclusively premiered on Kol Cambridge, my radio show, this Thursday. Tune in at from 3-5pm UK time, or if you can’t listen live check out the archived show from Friday at Mad love to Igor for helping with the recording and if anyone here is looking for someone to do some recording, especially of them playing live music, let me know and I can hook you up with an expert.
Israel Trip I’ve just got back from Israel where I was in an ulpan (intensive Hebrew course) for a couple of weeks. My Hebrew has now improved substantially (although it still has a long way to go!) and I had a great time. While I was there I took the opportunity to meet up with some of the biggest names in Israeli music. You can see some of the results here: And that brings me nicely onto…
Press While I was in Israel I was the subject of a page long article in Ma’ariv (the Israeli equivalent of The Sun; a major daily newspaper). This is now online on the press page of my website, both in Hebrew and in English, so feel free to check it out. I have also been getting some press because of my radio show. Last week saw an article in the Jewish Telegraph and there will be a feature in the Jewish Chronicle very soon so keep an eye out…
Gigs It’s Yom Ha’atzmaut coming up soon and I’ve been contacted by a few people about some performances although nothing is yet official. If you’d like me to come to your celebration please get in touch and I’ll see what we can sort out.
Ehud Manor Recently one of Israel’s greatest composers, Ehud Manor, passed away. He was a great man and I wanted to pay my respects. For more info on his life peep
That’s all for now. Enjoy the rest of Pesach!