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CD Launched with a Bang!


Well, it’s been a busy month or so since I last got in touch with you…let me fill you in on what’s been going on.

First, the CDs all arrived, nicely packaged with the artwork (thank you – you know who you are!), ready to ship out and start selling. First all the pre-orders were dealt with, and you should all now have a copy if your order has come in. Then it was onto real time sales and soon we started moving lots of units.

For a brief interlude I headed off to (near) Wales to run my youth movement’s annual conference (where I made sure nearly everyone bought a CD!) before travelling to Nottingham and Limmud. Limmud is an annual Jewish educational conference. It is pluralist, so you get people there who are completely irreligious and people who are very religious indeed, with lots of people in the middle. It’s a really nice atmosphere and in addition to lectures during the day the evening is filled with music and drama and all sorts of cultural activities. This is where I came in. Following a live rendition of the majority of the EP (photos online soon) I was suddenly very much in demand and I managed to sell an awful lot of CDs, as well as getting some very nice feedback. For example, I was sitting next to a chap called Rabbi Telushkin at lunch one day. He’s a very well-known (and very amiable!) author of several books. We got talking and we began talking about my rapping. He mentioned that he didn’t always approve of the lyrics of the rap songs that his son liked. He said that he’d give my CD a listen, and it was great when I heard him exclaim incredulously: “”it’s really good!””. He couldn’t quite believe that he liked a rap CD but bought one as a result and it was very gratifying to hear that from someone who would not normally be a hip hop fan.

Also at Limmud I met up with Hadag Nachash, a major rap outfit in Israel, who are a little like The Roots. We chatted and they said they liked the CD, so we’ll have to wait and see if anything comes of that. There too were Chaim and Efrat Avraham, father and sister respectively of one of the Israeli Missing in Action soldiers about whom I recorded my first song. He was really touched by my efforts and took a whole load of CDs back to Israel to give to the families. They spend all their time campaigning to try and secure the men’s release and Chaim said that he really appreciated the fact that people in Britain cared and were trying to do something. People sometimes ask what I hope to achieve with my record – will it actually have much impact on the situation? I hope it will, just by raising awareness of the soldiers’ plight, but even if it doesn’t, the fact that it can make the families feel a little better means it is all worth it as far as I am concerned.

So, what now? I’m currently finalising a strategy that will see agents in various key places around the country plugging my CD and selling copies. I’m looking at doing a mini tour that will encompass Leeds and Birmingham and a couple of other places along the way (let me know if you’re interested). I’ve been exploring distribution possibilities in the USA, France and Israel, and have had a few press enquiries (some very exciting, but nothing confirmed just yet). It’s all kicking off in this week’s Jewish Telegraph for all the Northerners out there…

To finish off this mammoth update, I thought I’d let you know that I’ve received a few really nice emails over the past few days from people who have heard my CD over the past few weeks and have decided to do something to help the MIA cause as a result. That is what it’s all about. I know a couple of them are on this list so I’d just like to thank you – you make it all worthwhile.

One final thing – the CD price will be going up on Sunday so if you want the cheap price hurry up and order now! Also, as my marketing budget is not very large, the best way of getting more sales is through word of mouth. So, if you like the music, tell your friends! CD sales are exceeding all expectations at the moment and I hope they will continue to do so, so that I can give some serious money to charity.

Thanks so much for your support!


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