So, after months of waiting, I’m delighted to say that the CDs arrived on Friday. We’ve just shipped out all the preorders and they should be arriving very soon. The CD itself is looking very nice with some great artwork to supplement the music.
If you haven’t yet got your copy, here’s how to go about it:
Method One: Order by credit card at
Use this method if ordering from overseas as there are facilities to order in different currencies.
Method Two: Send a cheque for £6.20 made payable to ‘Antithesis Charitable Fund’ to: Antithesis Charitable Fund Suite 240 Pegaxis House 61 Victoria Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 4JX
Prices include postage and packing but will be rising after the new year so get those orders in soon. Then we can make some serious money for charity.
Thanks loads to all the people who have bought already and I hope that you enjoy the music.
Have a great chanukah/christmas/winter holiday (delete as applicable!)