“In this update I’ve got three quite exciting things to tell you:
1) Antithesis Appears on Compilation CD I am a featured artist on the new compilation CD that has just been released by American record label Craig n Co. The CD is called ‘Celebrate Jewish Hip Hop’ and features twelve Jewish rappers from around the world, including Mook E, a number one artist in Israel, and Remedy, who is associated with the Wu-Tang Clan, one of the world’s most famous hip hop crews.
For more info on the CD, check out the website: http://www.celebrateseries.com/indexhiphop.html
2) Antithesis to Appear on the BBC Tomorrow afternoon (i.e. 17th November) BBC Radio 1Xtra, the BBC’s urban music station, are broadcasting a documentary called ‘Hip Hop in the Holy Land’. After the documentary there will be a short discussion in the studio in which I shall be participating (about 5-10mins). To listen either go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/1xtra_asx.shtml or tune in on your digital TV/Radio if you’re lucky enough to have it. The documentary will be aired at 5.30pm and the discussion will be from just before 6.00pm (both times in GMT).
3) Gig News Conversations are currently underway that could see me performing in London in mid December. There is also a small possibility of a performance with Hadag Nachash in Israel towards the end of the month. More details will come when I have them! Apart from that I did I gig this summer in Israel for five hundred people in the Memadyon Water Park near Tel-Aviv. It was a great night with about half the crowd singing along to all the lyrics!
4) CD Sales CD sales are now at about 700. We have made over £1000 for charity and will be donating the money this December on the anniversary of the EP launch. However there are still plenty of CDs to sell and lots of money to raise for good causes so keep spreading the word!
Thanks loads for your continued support”